Zitat des Tages über Erfinden / Invent:
I think we invent jargon because it saves times talking to one-another.
When I started on my research, I never expected I could invent the LED and laser diode.
When I got out of college, I gave myself till I was 30 to invent a product. If I couldn't do it by then, I would just get a real job. And that fear - the fear of a real job - motivated me to be an entrepreneur.
Critics are not creators. They rarely write great novels, invent new technologies, or come up with a great business idea.
You make your own path as an actor. Nobody does it for you, so you have to invent yourself.
The only way to end up in the perfect future is to invent it yourself.
Before the work comes to you, you have to invent work.
I invent nothing, I rediscover.
Nearly every communication method we invent eventually conveys unwanted commercial messages.
I use my mind to solve problems and invent things.
After all, one knows one's weak points so well, that it's rather bewildering to have the critics overlook them and invent others.
Most of us don't invent ideas. We take the best ideas from someone else.
I do not have a good control of running sight gags. I laugh like hell when I see them, but I don't know how to invent those jokes.
The reality is, is that we love competition, at Apple. We think it makes us all better. But we want people to invent their own stuff.
I never want to be anywhere else than in the rehearsal room. I mean, it's so lame to say, but it makes me supremely happy to work with people and to talk and invent and laugh.
America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense human rights invented America.
You need to feel that the game is important to you. Lose that feeling and you lose your edge. There's no faking that kind of emotion. You can't invent the feeling. It's got to be natural, real.
While out on the perimeter, women discovered the freedom of badlands. They were curiously free to invent, without having to liberate themselves from the forms and rewards of the cultural norm.
I'd quite like to invent something that allows me to in eat the shower - not sure what it would entail. Some sort of funnel that goes from the plate to my mouth to move the food to my mouth and keep it dry, perhaps.
If nothing is to be done in the given situation, he must invent plausible reasons for doing nothing; and if something must be done, he must suggest the something. The unpardonable sin is to propose nothing, when action is imperative.
I don't think we have very good records about what they were thinking except, as I pointed out earlier today, that they did invent our political system.
You must invent your own games and teach us old ones how to play.
In fiction, you are not limited by real facts. You can manipulate reality; you can invent without being disloyal to the essence of history.
I have terrible hearing trouble. I have unwittingly helped to invent and refine a type of music that makes its principal proponents deaf.
One rule of invention: before you can invent it, you have to imagine it.
The first qualification for a historian is to have no ability to invent.
The poet doesn't invent. He listens.
To invent is to discern, to choose.
If there is no sufficient reason for war, the war party will make war on one pretext, then invent another... after the war is on.
I didn't invent the fear of sharks; it's as old as mankind, and that - to take that responsibility would mean that Mario Puzo should take the blame for the Mafia.
Now, I guess, people want stars. People are trying to invent stars.
Young people are fitter to invent than to judge; fitter for execution than for counsel; and more fit for new projects than for settled business.
We would have to invent the U.N. if we did not have it, which is not an original thought.
We can invent only with memory.
They should invent some way to tape-record your dreams. I've written songs in my dreams that were Beatles songs. Then I'd wake up and they'd be gone.
Writing a play, you start with less, so more is demanded of you. It's as if you have to not only write a symphony, but invent the instruments as well.