Zitat des Tages über oben / Top:
One of the symptoms of a losing streak is a turnover of top executives. It's a revolving door.
Whether it's developers or industry veterans on the business side, top talent likes to work together.
I am the eldest child; it's lonely at the top.
I was from a town called Manhasset, very nice town out on the North Shore of Long Island, New York, but there was a little area, predominantly black population, and it was a small school. I played on the basketball team when I was a junior, and I was the only white guy on the starting five, the top seven actually, and we were really good.
Success to me is having ten honeydew melons and eating only the top half of each slice.
I love classic rock, rock and roll, that's the top notch. I love soul - bluesy music as well.
Here I am at the end of the road and at the top of the heap.
When I was in top shape I'd go to the ring and show my conditioning.
I always say that when I see that needle start to go in the other direction, when people have had enough of me, I'm going to be smart enough to say goodbye. It's such a joyous ride to be on top, and it takes away from that ride if you sort of ride it down.
It's lonely and cold on the top... lonely and cold.
I really want to work with Tom Hardy. Christian Bale and Russell Crowe are also on my list. Those are my top three actors. As far as actresses go, Kate Beckinsale, because she's so smokin' hot.
As Governor of North Carolina for two terms, I made improving education a top priority.
I feel like I'm on top of the world. Honestly, I feel like I've climbed a very giant mountain, and I'm just standing right on top with my arms wide open and breathing rarified air.
I fully support the goal of species protection and conservation and believe that recovery and ultimately delisting of species should be the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's top priority under ESA.
Honestly, a lot of people thought that I was on top of the world selling so many millions of records, and that this is the life that everybody would want, but I never got to enjoy any of my success.
We had every problems starting a big top could have. The tent fell down on the first day. We had problems getting people into the shows. It was only with the courage and arrogance of youth that we survived.
I blame my mother for my poor sex life. All she told me was 'the man goes on top and the woman underneath.' For three years my husband and I slept in bunk beds.
I'm not afraid to go completely over the top. A lot of people are scared to seem silly or to embarrass themselves, and I really don't have that at all - I don't mind making a fool of myself. I like to just have fun and really go for it.
I never go to Vancouver without stopping by Thomas Haas' shop for the best chocolate in North America. A former chef patissier at Daniel, he returned to his hometown and created a top quality brand by sticking to his passion.
I like mixing things. I wear a lot of boots. Love boots. And then jeans, but I like to wear them with a really ruffly top. Or I love high-waisted anything.
Red lips and fragrance always top off an outfit for me.
I'm not a top-five player yet. Maybe I'm close to it, but I still have to work on some aspects. You can only be part of that group if you are decisive in the top games.
It's always good to bat at the top, where you get more opportunities, but sometimes crucial 30s and 40s can be very helpful for the team. Ultimately it is a team sport. Personal records don't matter much if your team ends up on the losing side.
I would love to do Tammi Terrell's story. I love stories of the underdog coming out on top and stories of survival.
Lots of business owners spend their lives trying to land the whale - the single, massive, brand-name account that will fatten the top line and bestow instant credibility. But big customers make me nervous.
The 2000s were the time when bromance became a kind of love that dared to speak its name. As a high-water mark of bro culture, nothing can ever top the MTV series 'Bromance,' with Brody Jenner and his search for a new BFF.
From day one, The Shield was a vehicle. It wasn't, 'This is what we're doing for the rest of our lives.' It was, 'This is the vehicle we'll use to bust into WWE, to ride to the top of it, and then we fight each other.' That was always the plan.
My hands are huge. When I was on 'Scrubs,' Zach Braff used to make fun of them all the time. And now I made some list. I guess Jennifer Garner is on the top of the list for best hands and I'm fourth down. But that's for people who really like an NBA star's hands.
I'm into a casual-dressing girl: blue jeans and a tank top is super sexy.
With his passing, Dick Clark deserves to take his place at the top in the pantheon of popular culture icons.
If one wanted to find a modern symbol of personal freedom, the motor car is right there near the top of the list. But a car has come to mean much more than that. It has become a powerful statement about who you are and how much you earn.
In my eyes, there's no one better than Stevie Wonder. He's a top dude.
I have a taste for a lot of different kinds of music... everything, from hip-hop to jazz to R&B to top 40 to alternative. There's a lot of good music out there. Every now and then, I'll flip through VH1 and watch the videos... the only thing I really don't listen to is country.
I suppose if I was to have to pick a few, Ursula LeGuin would have to top the list. It was while reading her work that I decided I wanted to be an author.
We're all conditioned to think we have to get to the top and be the best.
Motivation, passion, and focus have to come from the top.