Zitat des Tages über Vital:
As a conservative power, the United States has a vital interest in upholding and expanding the reign of law in international relations.
The attack and our response show just how vital Arizona's military bases are to the defense of our country. We need to do everything we can to protect them.
In the end, the humanities can only be defended by stressing how indispensable they are; and this means insisting on their vital role in the whole business of academic learning, rather than protesting that, like some poor relation, they don't cost much to be housed.
Everything has a purpose or premise. Every second of our life has its own premise, whether or not we are conscious of it at the time. That premise may be as simple as breathing or as complex as a vital emotional decision, but it is always there.
The arts can play a vital role in revitalizing neighborhoods, using and improving vacant space, bringing new jobs and new sense of opportunity, and improving public safety by generating more foot traffic and more eyes on the street.
Train service is particularly vital for the students and employees of Southern Illinois University.
The Gershwin legacy is extraordinary because George Gershwin died in 1937, but his music is as fresh and vital today as when he originally created it.
Every vital organization owes its birth and life to an exciting and daring idea.
A flourishing, morally credible media is a vital component in the maintenance of genuinely public talk, argument about common good.
We set ourselves a limit and cut characters which weren't so vital.
You learn a lot about vital corporations through non-vital corporations.
It takes most men five years to recover from a college education, and to learn that poetry is as vital to thinking as knowledge.
It's so important to keep a marriage alive with small treats and doing little things for each other. Just remembering to say nice things and to have listening time is vital. That ghastly phrase 'quality time' means taking three minutes to sit down and be still with someone rather than yelling over your shoulder as you rush out.
It is vital that we get these policies right as we take forward our plans to drive down the deficit and transform our economy.
We are in a time when the Peace Corps mission is more vital than ever, and the organization is at a 30-year high in the number of volunteers in the field. The Peace Corps is currently in 69 posts and serving 75 countries across the globe.
The Senator from Massachusetts has given us ample grounds to doubt the judgment and the attitude he brings to bear on vital issues of national security.
It's so important for those living with chronic pain to establish good communication with both their healthcare professionals and caregivers. Clear communication about pain is vital to receiving proper diagnosis and effective treatment.
Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.
Protein, we keep being told, is the vital nutrient that will give us a boost. It will burn fat, build muscle, reduce tiredness and kill our hunger pangs. Maybe if we shake enough protein powder into our daily smoothie, we will actually morph into Gwyneth Paltrow.
When my novels are packaged as exclusively for women, I'm not only cut off from a vital portion of my audience but clearly labelled as an author the literary establishment is free to dismiss.
Lou Tyrrell has created a theatre that is a safe haven for playwrights, a birthing center for new American writing. Arts Garage has created a vital, enthusiastic audience for theatre, music, painting and sculpture in Delray Beach.
Competition is a powerful and essential part of this nation's economy and vital to cutting government costs.
We're not good at propping up old carcasses. We want to be on top of what's vital at any particular time, and not just hold onto something because it has a name.
Every user of the river down here understands that a healthy river is absolutely vital for a healthy economy and a healthy tourism industry.
What is the effect of unlimited coinage of silver in this country? and I invite your attention to this particularly, because it is a question of vital importance.
Having money is rather like being a blond. It is more fun but not vital.
A knowledge of the forces that rule society, of the causes that have produced its upheavals, and of society's resources for promoting healthy progress has become of vital concern to our civilization.
Even spiritually advanced people are often confused. They feel an inner ecstasy which comes from the vital world, and they think this is the real delight. But it is not so. Real delight comes from the highest world to the soul, and from the soul it saturates the whole being.
I always knew that food and wine were vital, with my mother being Italian and a good cook.
Historical facts are the vital framework around which non-fiction writers construct their narratives; they are, quite simply, indispensable.
My dog and two cats are such a vital part of my life. To say that I am their owner doesn't reflect at all the profound bond and responsibility that I have towards them.
Physiology and psychology cover, between them, the field of vital phenomena; they deal with the facts of life at large, and in particular with the facts of human life.
One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
Working parents, working families, and expectant workers are vital members of our workforce. Ensuring their success is how we maintain our global economic advantage.
It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.
Mail enables businesses to deliver vital services and products, including medication, and allows these same businesses to receive payments in a timely way.