Zitat des Tages über Diskriminieren / Discriminate:
I just think in this world of extreme religious pluralism, the great spectrum of things ranging from the healthy and the respectable, and the balance and the true and tried, you go down to quite bizarre things which are very risky for people, particularly people who are young or vulnerable or unable to discriminate.
Labels are actually not to make us understand things better: they are actually to ostracise and discriminate that what does not belong to the majority.
I tend to not discriminate when it comes to people I can learn from. Basically, if someone has built a meaningful business in software, technology or media, faced disruption and adversity, and overcame underdog status, I want to know how they did it.
So if there is a government grant offered for anything, like starting a business or going to school, they cannot discriminate because of your age.
I don't think that we'll support any state that is prepared to discriminate against the citizens of Connecticut.
I don't think you can discriminate against budgets, you know? I'm an actor, I guess, so I'm just trying to play as many characters as I can. If there's a character I think I can play, and they're going to let me do it, I'll do it whether it's $10 or $1 million or more.
And under Obamacare, insurance companies can no longer discriminate against women. Before, some wouldn't cover women's most basic needs, like contraception and maternity care, but would still charge us up to 50 percent more than men - for a worse plan.
We do not have the right to discriminate against people.
I try not to discriminate against genres.
It is difficult to discriminate the voice of truth from amid the clamor raised by heated partisans.
The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.
I am often asked why there is discrimination against women in science. And I have given it some thought. With prejudicial attitudes, you can't really do much. You can point out when people discriminate and ask them not to.
Silver, gold - I don't discriminate! I like sparkly things.
Whether you're a mother or father, or a husband or a son, or a niece or a nephew or uncle, breast cancer doesn't discriminate.
The real tragedy of the Library at Alexandria was not that the incendiaries burned immensely, but that they had neither the leisure nor the taste to discriminate.
Such discussions help us very little to enjoy what has been well done in art or poetry, to discriminate between what is more and what is less excellent in them, or to use words like beauty, excellence, art, poetry, with a more precise meaning than they would otherwise have.
Not to discriminate every moment some passionate attitude in those about us, and in the very brilliancy of their gifts some tragic dividing on their ways, is, on this short day of frost and sun, to sleep before evening.
When I was at 'Newsweek' magazine - which, you know, this really sounds like I walked four miles in the snow to school - but I started at 'Newsweek' magazine in 1963, which was before the Civil Rights Act of 1964. So it was actually legal to discriminate against women, and 'Newsweek' did.
Private businesses ought to get to discriminate.
If companies can refuse to provide coverage for women, what other objections to the Affordable Care Act will we see based on 'religious grounds'? For that matter, will 'religious freedom' be used as an excuse to discriminate against other minorities and disenfranchised groups across the board? Where will it end?
I can't discriminate? Oh, that's ripe, coming from a straight white man. What's the matter, baby doesn't feel like he belongs? Well why don't you try a place that was set up just for you? Like the world!
We must not discriminate between things. Where things are concerned there are no class distinctions. We must pick out what is good for us where we can find it.
If there are countries that discriminate against the gay community, they are the countries that I will not spend my own personal money. I will go for work there, but I will not spend my own money there. Why would I?
If we are going to use places of worship as polling places, we should not discriminate.
I do not discriminate about size. I design dresses to accentuate a woman's positives, whether you are a size 0 or a size 3X.
East and Gulf Coast states are at risk of hurricanes; prairie and other central and southern states are constantly threatened by tornados; and western states commonly face damaging droughts. Extreme weather does not discriminate by American geography.
It is illegal for the budget department to discriminate among senators.
Neither praise or blame is the object of true criticism. Justly to discriminate, firmly to establish, wisely to prescribe, and honestly to award. These are the true aims and duties of criticism.
Patriotism is best exemplified through auto-critique. When you're willing to stand up within the group and say, 'It is wrong for Black people to be anti-Semitic,' or 'It is wrong for America to discriminate against persons of African descent and made them slaves and based its wealth upon free labor,' it's crucial to say that.
We were taught in school, and I was taught at home and in church, that blacks and whites were equal and we should not discriminate based on skin color, even if my school was almost entirely white.
The commendable conduct of man is shown by his discriminate treatment of merits and sympathetic regard for pleasure and pain, profit and loss of others. The contrary course is reprehensible.
This idea of 'laicite' has been weaponized, in a way, to discriminate against people, and this idea of who gets to be French is really complicated and interesting.
Cancer does not discriminate.
It is a rule of international law that weapons and methods of warfare which do not discriminate between combatants and civilians should never be used.
Nuclear missiles don't discriminate on party lines when they land.
It's unfortunate. Title IX is rather simple: don't discriminate on the basis of sex.