Zitat des Tages über Faszinierend / Fascinating:
Going after the unknown is always fascinating, I think. It becomes part of your life, this desire to know.
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating - people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
Well, what is acting but the study of human behavior? And that's so fascinating to me.
My youngest sister belonged to a group called the Twelve Tribes for many years. She recently left, with her husband and four children. Talking to her about her experiences in the group is fascinating, moving, and enlightening.
I think that anybody's craft is fascinating. A taxi driver talking about taxi driving is going to be very, very interesting.
I was very much in my room with my marionette stage, you know, creating these incredibly boring things that I felt were so fascinating, and forcing my relatives to come, and charging money for them to see my little productions.
The more you learn about animals and animal rights - it's an intriguing, fascinating world.
I thought 'The Hot Zone' was fascinating, mesmerizing. It's one of the things that got me interested in Ebola.
The busier you are, the more interesting you are. The more you're off doing your thing and loving your job and your life, that's fascinating.
What I find fascinating about Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights we celebrate at this time of the year, is the way its story was transformed by time.
Someone told me that there's a connection to Superman, that in an early edition of the Green Lantern comics, Tomar Re was the envoy to Krypton. That was fascinating to me.
My kids are fanatical about 'Scooby-Doo', and I think that the creators of 'Scooby-Doo' somehow tripped across some kind of magical hypnotic formula that lures children. It's far more fascinating to them than anything else on the air.
It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.
To me, fashion is ceaselessly fascinating because it is an expression of self.
I would have ten children. I think they are the most fascinating, and it's the only thing in the world that hasn't been overrated.
I've bought pretty much every book ever written about the Alamo, and I talk to my friends that I've made over the past 15, 20 years. It's just a constant learning and fascinating thing for me.
We all get given these bodies, and they're all fascinating and different... I wouldn't want to be without the wrinkles.
Using the Internet as as vehicle to work with people is fascinating. It's sort of a Pandora's box of energy for me.
The most fascinating person I have met so far is indeed Mr. Hugh Hefner. An incredible man!
Babies are endlessly fascinating to look at and I'm obsessed about their complete and utter lack of guile.
Serving jury duty is a fascinating little slice of life, with its motley crew of personalities.
I played at being someone else in movies and live theater, and at being myself in life's most intense, fascinating game - the game of love.
Cryptoeconomics is so fascinating to study because it's a combination of technology, economics, and psychology.
China in particular is an absolutely fascinating place to be. Culturally and politically and economically it's becoming more and more relevant. If you look at how China is perceived in different parts of the world, you can recognize it's very dynamic. It's also challenging what it thinks of itself.
That's my ambition: that you look at the pictures and realize what complex, fascinating, interesting people every single one of my subjects is.
It's been a fascinating thing because we didn't really know how to write when we started South Park at all. It's been like, we've just sort of grown up a bit and it's amazing to just see how, if you take Butters and Cartman and put them in any scene, it works.
I'm interested in complexity, in the mathematical sense, as well as the idiomatic sense. The idea of emergence - that it's possible for complex patterns to arise out of many simple interactions - is fascinating.
The ambiguities of language, both in terms of vocabulary and syntax, are fascinating: how important connotation is, what is lost and what is gained in the linguistic transition.
It's been fascinating watching all those pictures of me with a lot more hair Jeremy, and looking very young. And we've all got things we've said, twenty, thirty years ago, indeed the whole world has changed since then.
I've always been fascinated with adrenaline; it's saved my life more than once, and it's caused me to need it to save my life more than once. One of the most fascinating responses in human evolution, adrenaline sharpens your brain; it sharpens your responses.
I do as much bookish research as I can but when I sit down to write, often I think, 'Wait, I was there.' That is one of the great advantages of having wandered around the world and lived in so many places and met such fascinating people.
Hey, don't knock Judy Blume. Without her, my younger self would never have been able to decode the random acts of madness perpetrated by the fascinating creature known as the teenage girl.
Germany's fascinating. It's a really rich landscape to film and dramatise.
I have a nostalgia for the years I was growing up and experiencing new things for the first time - so the late '80s and early '90s are always fascinating to me. Those were the times that I was being informed about a lot of my tastes, and so the memories are fused with a lot of emotion.
I think the single most important, fascinating, and complex aspect of human nature is that we all know, deep down, that we are not what we ought to be - or as John Doe says in 'Seven,' 'We are not what was intended.'
Canada has a passive-aggressive culture, with a lot of sarcasm and righteousness. That went with my weird messianic complex. The ego is a fascinating monster. I was taught from a young age that I had to serve, so that turned into me thinking I had to save the planet.