Zitat des Tages über Dich selbst / Yourself:
My mother always said to carry yourself with dignity and pride, and I just think Audrey Hepburn totally epitomizes that, you know? From such a young age, she was dancing ballet. There was a lot going on in her life... that was during the time of the Nazis.
Respect talent. Get respect where respect is due, but don't be caught up in yourself where you do things obliviously and not pay attention to what is going on.
If you make yourself indispensable to your employer, he is not going to part with you in a hurry no matter what it costs him.
I was trained as a neurologist, and then I went into the theater, and if you're brought up to think of yourself as a biological scientist of some sort, pretty well everything else seems frivolous by comparison.
Winning isn't getting ahead of others. It's getting ahead of yourself.
I like the performing. And interviews, even. And the stuff that's not sitting in a room by yourself with empty paper. But I never loved writing, to tell you the truth.
You don't have to listen to those mean girls. They're just there to make you upset and make you feel bad about yourself. And you know, inside, they feel bad about themselves too. But they don't wanna admit it to anybody.
When you are mad at yourself, you are mad at everybody.
You have to believe in yourself and only trust your own vision and instincts. If I'd listened to what other people thought about my work in the first 10 years that I was a writer, I never would have made it to begin with.
The first day back to school, you never want to wear your best outfit. You're setting the bar too high for yourself! Then the rest of the school year, you'll feel so much pressure! Wear something cute, but save your best outfit for a day when no one expects it.
Always educate yourself.
Most people are embarrassed to admit there's another human being that's in control of them, that your heart beats three times as fast because you've given yourself to someone else.
When you're by yourself, you realize how much pressure you're under and how much work you have to do.
It's OK showing yourself some love.
Commit to what you love - that's important. Believe in yourself and try as much as possible to do everything you do from a place of love. Not labor, but love.
Millions of people die every day. Everyone's got to go sometime. I've came by this particular tumor honestly. If you smoke, which I did for many years very heavily with occasional interruption, and if you use alcohol, you make yourself a candidate for it in your sixties.
I am an obsessive personality. And if you are an obsessive personality, you need to be aware of it and be able to drive it with success. There are moments in your life when you are driving it well, but you shift and you shift badly and you hurt yourself.
And to learn, you have to be willing to push yourself.
I think one of the secrets to modelling is the less you care and the more you're yourself, the more successful you are.
I am very aware now that music is a business, but there is also a way to go about making music that is true to yourself as opposed to doing, you know, just going through the motions and making things that would just be commercially successful.
People often remark that I'm pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you've got to have talent and know how to use it.
I'm compelled to paint nearly every day. I just felt like making a painting, went out and bought paints and a canvas. Now it fulfills me creatively when I'm not doing music: it's something you can do by yourself and it's totally yours. It's a great adjunct to my life.
It's important to still look like yourself on your wedding day, so I didn't do anything drastic.
It was like baptism by fire. There was no school for studying acting. You just have to take it upon yourself to learn from your peers. It's about opening your eyes, listening, and watching.
Beset by a difficult problem? Now is your chance to shine. Pick yourself up, get to work and get triumphantly through it.
I think it's important never to look yourself up on Wikipedia. I think the temptation to correct any interesting factual errors would be too much.
The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.
You don't need validation from other people. You've gotta find it within yourself and sit in it and roll with it.
The great thing about being a writer is that you are always recreating yourself.
I enjoy the crafts on the show enormously, too, when we have experts in showing how to make things. You watch them thinking you'll go home and do the things yourself, which is fun. Some I have done myself later on.
As a painter you're responsible yourself, 100 percent. In film, you have the editor, the director, the other actors. It has the advantage of not being solitary.
In a way you can feel that the poet actually is looking over your shoulder, and you say to yourself, now, how would this go for him? Would this do or not?
You're shooting yourself in the foot if you isolate or disempower the moderates.
It's dangerous to read the Internet about yourself when you're me. Or when you're anyone in the public eye.
The most important thing that I learned in growing up is that forgiveness is something that, when you do it, you free yourself to move on.
I always have a ping-pong table in the studio. If you're with an artist and you notice the situation is going south a little bit, it's like, 'You wanna play ping-pong or foosball?' Or, 'You wanna go grab somethin' to eat?' And then you just like talk to them and relax them and get them comfortable and get yourself comfortable.