Angebot / Offer Brauchen / Need Ein weiterer / Another Fast / Almost Film / Movie Sich weigern / Refuse Würde / Would
It may be very generous in one person to offer what it would be ungenerous in another to accept.
I always tell people that if I move anywhere it would be Toronto.
The sadness of the incomplete, the sadness that is often Life, but should never be Art.
I would never presume to give anyone advice.
I would love to go to the Himalayas and cross over into Nepal to do the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.
Never refuse a breath mint - you don't know why it's being offered.
I never made a movie I would not take my family to see.
I would love to go back as Leela in this new series.