Aus / Out Erinnern / Recall Gebärmutter / Womb Geboren / Born Gesamt / Total Großartig / Great Ich erinnere mich / I Remember Innerhalb / Inside Kommen / Coming Merken / Remember Sein / Being
My spleen burst. I remember feeling my heart beating really fast. Beating right out of my chest.
I remember my comic strips being called 'new wave.' It bugged me.
I remember teachers who really singled me out for their discouragement.
I remember as a kid being really scared of the Smurfs.
As a kid, I remember wearing a checkered suit and appearing on-stage in the routines worked out by the 'baggy pants' comedians.
I remember being told 'Someone's gonna make a fortune out of this rap thing' and thinking 'no way'.
I remember my mom had a big collection of copies of Saturday Evening Post magazines, and that was really my introduction to those great illustrators.
I didn't have any concept of age or authority. I remember realising, Oh, the world has rules and we don't.
I remember, as I was hovering around 40, I thought each movie would be my last, really.