Boom Dauerte / Took Fitness Joggen / Jogging Laufen / Running Vorteil / Advantage Welche / Which Wurden / Became
The public lands are a public stock, which ought to be disposed of to the best advantage for the nation.
I've been asked too many times to write a book by the fans.
I was kind of bored playing drums in a band. Which was depressing, because playing in the band was kind of a golden ticket.
I knew I had to stop running. I had to be in a place. Los Angeles became that place.
I'm leaving because the weather is too good. I hate London when it's not raining.
The best time to plan a book is while you're doing the dishes.
Anytime you've got a good running back, it will help your passing game.
Above all, I try to create an emotion to which others can respond.
I always wanted to go against hat grain because it was too restricting.