Anders / Different Empfangen / Received Er / He Erfahrung / Experience Gut / Good Jeden / Every Land / Country Name Nehmen / Take Sehen / See Seine / His Sie / You Teile / Parts Theaterstücke / Plays Überall / Everywhere Verschiedene Teile / Different Parts Welt / World
There are times when marriage is not such a comfortable place... But you find your way; you become a different person. You grow into it. And you have to work at marriage every day.
When you're in a different place every day, there's this kind of madness that sets in.
It's nice to see different places and different parts of the world. It's pretty cool, though I hate flying!
I definitely feel more complete than before. There's a void you have when you don't feel you've found the other part of who you are, so I'm in a different place now and that's nice to experience.
People from different parts of the world can respond to the same story if it says something to them about their own history and their own experience.
You start wanting to see a different place every day.
Every time you go on a set, it's a whole different world, and I love that.
My job as an entertainer is to take you some place else. I love exploring different genres of music to please my fans.
Every time you get in shape for a role, there's a different way to do it so it doesn't get boring.