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I obsess over places I will never live and restaurants at which I aspire to eat.
A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ring.
I've almost never played the 'Smiths' records, once they've gone out. I was always like that and probably always will be.
I only really watch my own films, I don't watch any other films and I don't particularly like any other actors.
We are never like angels till our passion dies.
I've never really viewed myself as particularly talented. I've viewed myself as slightly above average in talent.
I happen to like dark, and I like the fact that 'Arrow' is a pretty dark show, particularly for a network show.
One thing I've never said in my whole life is, 'Let's have dinner at a Japanese restaurant.'
All of the other books in the series... none of them are particularly like 'Ender's Game.'