Disziplinen / Disciplines Grundlegend / Fundamental Kreuz / Cross Kultur / Culture Revolutionär / Revolutionary Unsere / Our Vorschüsse / Advances Wirklich / Truly
I don't turn to greeting cards for wisdom and advice, but they are a fine reflection of the general drift of the culture.
The revolutionary government is the despotism of liberty against tyranny.
A lot of my friends have told me to read 'Tao Te Ching' - a classic Chinese text on the fundamentals of Taoism.
When it becomes a revolutionary act to eat real food, we are in trouble.
You have got to have discipline and focus - on the customer and how you run the business.
So far as it depends on the course of this government, our relations of good will and friendship will be sedulously cultivated with all nations.
The economics profession advances by one confusing financial disaster at a time.
And ours is a business that requires discipline and focus.
The kitchen is tough. It's one of the last bastions in civilized culture that sets out to crush the spirit.