Christus / Christ Ebenfalls / Also Ehefrau / Wife Fahren / Driving Familie / Family Herr / Lord Jesus Jesus Christus / Jesus Christ Kinder / Children Macht / Force Retter / Savior Treibende Kraft / Driving Force
My Lord and saviour Jesus Christ does not hate anybody.
Character is always my driving force. And to tell a good story and to provide an entertaining read.
The driving force behind the liberal counter-offensive in Europe has been a reaction against irresponsibility.
All that I am I owe to Jesus Christ, revealed to me in His divine Book.
An icon painter starts not with Jesus Christ but by finding earth and rubbing. Now what is earth, what are you rubbing in directing?
Mormonism is the pure doctrine of Jesus Christ; of which I myself am not ashamed.
I guess, first and foremost, I'd like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
My story is the story of countless millions of children whose families and nations were torn apart for money in the name of Jesus Christ.
Even the first year of 'Columbo,' 'Columbo' was Jesus Christ, No. 1, you know.