Zitat des Tages von Jeremy Corbyn:
I do think the public want to see politicians acting in a different way. What's brought young people into our campaign is that they were written off by political parties but they had never written off politics, and what we have is a huge number of young people, very enthusiastic and brimming with ideas. Those ideas have got to be heard.
I think there's good in everybody.
I believe in public ownership, but I have never favoured the remote nationalised model of the postwar era.
I have always had a very busy life. The difference is that a lot more people are helping advise me what to do, and a lot more people are observing what I do. But in terms of time and working schedule, it is not that different from my normal working week.
The idea that somehow or other you can deal with all the problems in the world by banning a particular religious group from entering the U.S.A. is offensive and absurd.
I've been quite involved in a lot of U.N. operations over the years. I was a U.N. observer at the East Timor referendum in 2000. I've been very involved in that for a long time.
Parliament is supposed to be serious. It's not a place for jingoistic cheering.
There is a democratic process in the party, and that can be operated at any time. But am I going to resign? No. Of course not. No. No. I will carry on.
I've been proud to be the chair of the Stop the War coalition, proud to be associated with the Stop the War coalition.
The Spanish Civil War, Britain was not involved in it. Going back a bit, there was the naval blockade to stop the slave trade in the 19th century; that was morally just. Shame they didn't bother to abolish slavery at the same time.
What I find appalling is the intrusive nature towards my extended family.
You grow your way to prosperity; you don't cut your way to it.
I'm a leader, not a dictator. I want to persuade people rather than threaten or control them.
Because I've never had any higher education of any sort, I've never held in awe those who have had it or have a sense of superiority over those who don't.
There is a self interest in voting for a society where there is health care for all, where there's a mental health service for all, where there is education service for all.
Some colleagues have said they would not be very keen on working with me, but I am sure these things were said in the heat of the moment.
If you want a more productive economy, you need to invest in the skills of our workforce.
Lopez Obrador invokes the appeal of national unity, the revolution of 1910, and the progressive constitution of 1917.
After only two or three weeks in office, we discovered we had a backlog of 100,000 emails sent to me. We had a backlog of a thousand invitations to speak at places all over the country - and all over the world, for that matter.
I have always worked long hours and very hard. It is the way I am. Same as always. Up about seven and get to bed about 12 to 1, something like that.
Diversity in media is something that is intrinsic to a democratic society. We do not want the whole media owned by one person.
Mexico is becoming the northern part of Latin America, not the U.S.A.'s southern outpost.
Everybody aspires to an affordable home, a secure job, better living standards, reliable healthcare and a decent pension. My generation took those things for granted, and so should future generations.
I'm quite concerned that if I spend time in the office, someone will always find something for you to do. There's always a crisis that needs your urgent attention.
I'm just a very normal person, living in north London, doing my best for my area and to put forward some serious debate on issues in the party.
Taken slightly historically, the turning point in the E.U. was actually the Single European Act, the Thatcher/Maastricht-era stuff, which was turning the E.U. into very much a market system.
Politically active people felt more and more disenfranchised, particularly during the ultra-New Labour years.
I've been in Parliament since 1983, and I've been involved in many issues over the time.
Riding a bicycle is the summit of human endeavour - an almost neutral environmental effect coupled with the ability to travel substantial distances without disturbing anybody. The bike is the perfect marriage of technology and human energy.
I'm not joining in personal attacks... I don't do personal attacks.
I find if you are in an office, the crisis finds you. If you're not in the office, the crisis finds somebody else.
Loyalty is about the party and the movement... if you want a better and more effective party, we've got to open ourselves up much more to our membership and our supporters.
It is the right of a democratically elected parliament to act in defence of our traditional liberties, and everything should be done to keep it that way.
It is important that politicians defend their ability to act without fear or favour, and it is in the public interest that they hold ministers and public servants to account.
There are some people who have had no pay rises for a very long time, and, working in highly skilled and highly responsible roles and in the health services and education, they deserve to be properly remunerated.
It is time we recognised the huge contribution that migration has made to the economic growth of this country.