Zitat des Tages über Kleider / Clothes:
During a fashion show, I want the clothes to speak. The effort I put into my work must be respected.
England used to be known for making beautiful things. Then we became the rag trade, known for our street fashions, which were picked up around the world. I want us to be recognized for quality. We have the hands to make the clothes. What we need is the motivation.
I dress up for awards, but only if somebody else is going to pay for the clothes. And shop for them, too!
Almost every single commercial on television for shampoo, sports shoes, drinks, food, clothes, perfume, cars, etc., is a short fairy tale, for they are given magical qualities.
Women try to be the best everywhere, and it's impossible. I want my clothes to give women the freedom to just be - I want them to put on my dresses and shine.
Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excel pride and ignorance in costly attire.
We spend our way to the poorhouse. We buy giant TVs and iPads. Our children wear nice clothes thanks to high-interest credit cards and payday loans. We purchase homes we don't need, refinance them for more spending money, and declare bankruptcy, often leaving them full of garbage in our wake. Thrift is inimical to our being.
I started in college as a business major and finally transferred to home economics and studied making clothes.
The fashionable woman wears clothes. The clothes don't wear her.
I work with structure, but I go outside the box and give it my own spin. I adore the challenge of creating truly modern clothes - where a woman's personality and sense of style are realized.
I buy the best fabrics from small mills in Italy. That is the basis for my clothes.
But it's cool working with female directors because I'm a girl, so you do relate to them more. You can talk to them about other stuff like clothes and all that.
I don't really know how to do casual clothes.
I'm not interested in clothes; I just like them.
It's awkward: Here you are with most of your clothes off in bed with this person who you've really just met. You're strangers to each other's bodies and you're coming together for the first time in front of all these people.
I always want to wear clothes that my children will one day look back on and say, 'Oh, you looked amazing - why didn't you keep that?' Not, 'Oh my God - I can't believe you wore that.'
I don't feel comfortable talking about the specifics of how it all comes together, but the truth is, I don't ever know when Michelle Obama is going to wear my clothes! She, like everyone else, picks her outfits and wears them when she wants - sometimes two or three times. It's not ever calculated.
I think it's a different experience for plus-size women in film and television to get clothes for events. It's just not as welcoming for us to get cool clothes that are, like, equal in glamour, in style, to what, I am going to say, 'small size' co-stars get to wear.
I always had a love for kids' clothes, but having your own kids is a better education for what is practical. I used to buy such crazy things for the store that were so much fun but not the most practical.
What I don't understand is these people who go on the street wearing riding clothes, and they have never been on a horse. They ought to have their heads examined, really. It's a joke. But, let's face it, we live in a fantasy world.
Clothes are interesting and they're there to be played with. I like the idea of costume rather than fashion.
American women often fall into the trap of, 'Oh, these are my weekend clothes. These are my work clothes. This is what I wear at night.' It's so old-fashioned.
Designers have always shown outlandish and exuberant clothes, but that hasn't always translated to the streets.
I like to be dressy casual. I wear jeans and nice sneakers. I wear nice clothes, but not super dressed up. I don't wear too much jewelry. I keep it simple and maybe wear just a little chain.
Unfortunately, the greatest photographers don't pay extreme attention to the clothes. If they decide to put a dress in a bathtub or in front of a cow in the countryside with dirt everywhere, well, the dresses come back... ready to be put in the garbage.
I'd like to believe that the women who wear my clothes are not dressing for other people, that they're wearing what they like and what suits them. It's not a status thing.
I hate the terminology of 'costume' because my clothes are not costumes at all. I think they're high fashion, avant-garde, and more couture, definitely, and yes, some of my pieces are not particularly wearable, but I wouldn't say they're costumes, I'd say they're more couture.
My wife gets all the money I make. I just get an apple and clean clothes every morning.
In terms of clothes, everything is on the same level for me. If I like it, it doesn't matter if it cost £200 or £2.
The whole new Democratic Party is the old Republican Party. We have a whole bunch of elephants running around in donkey's clothes.
Making films is sort of like you're pulling off a magic trick. It's sort of like an illusion. It's not real but you want it to appear real, and all kinds of things go into that, from the clothes you're wearing to the make-up, to the light.
Children go with whatever makes them feel good - like if that's the color green or orange, they do that with their clothes. As I've grown older, everything reversed. My music, my personality - onstage those things became my colors.
I was always trying on clothes, always really into fashion, ever since probably kindergarten.
Clothes and manners do not make the man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance.
My only interest in women's clothes is what's underneath them.
As a designer, when someone wears my clothes, the biggest compliment I can receive is that the woman looks amazing because my designs have flattered her, not taken over her. I take that philosophy to heart myself each morning when I am getting ready for the day.