Arbeit / Work Herausfordernd / Challenging Likes Mich selber / Myself Mögen / Like Person Wer / Who
I gambled on having the strength to live two lives, one for myself and one for the world.
I like confusing people and challenging myself.
I like moving, challenging myself.
Theater is a way to keep challenging myself.
I like to take up something that is challenging. I like to stretch myself.
Most people don't like challenges at work. Actors love challenges at work.
I don't censor myself, but I don't want to force my sick-skewed version of the world, either.
Having done what I've done at 24 years old, I'm not the kind of person who likes to be out of work.
I've worked a lot. I don't like to watch myself. I don't go to the movies unless I have to go to the premiere.