Eine lange / Along Freunde / Friends Gewinnen / Winning Leute / People Sie / You Treffen / Meet Verlieren / Losing Weg / Way
It doesn't matter if you're winning or losing. You've got to be the same guy; you've got to prepare the same.
Golf's a great game, and you meet a lot of people along the way.
There's nothing worse than winning but being told by people that you're losing.
The family is inclusive of not just your genetic family, but the people that you meet along the way.
The wine I produce is not for keeping. It's the wine you want when meeting friends for a game of cards.
If there are people you haven't forgiven, you're not going to really awaken. You have to let go.
You're not free in life until you're free of wanting other people's approval.
Dead people don't really die. They live on within you.
I meet people, I like to ask: which sign are you?