Am Hält / Holds Handlung / Act Ich bin / I Am Inspiriert / Inspired Interesse / Interest Mechanisch / Mechanical Mensch / Human Mir / Me Selbst / Itself Sexualität / Sexuality Wenig / Little
I am interested in the physicality of light itself.
As an individual, not as the boss of a company, I am very interested in motor racing.
Women inspire me... so I enjoy women's stories and biographies. I am interested in all women.
I've always been interested in acting - since I was a little girl.
It is not sex by itself that interests me, but its particular role in American consciousness, and in my own life.
I am much interested and honoured by what you tell me of C. S. Lewis.
I am a man, and whatever concerns humanity is of interest to me.
I am pretty hard on myself. But I think that's how it has to be if you want to keep growing as an actor.
The more real the murder is, the less interested I am in seeing it. It's hard enough to watch the news.