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It's nice to know when you're a part of a story, it's nice to know at least something about the beginning, middle, and end.
I was wise enough to never grow up while fooling most people into believing I had.
I never know what kind of people I'll meet just by stopping to take a photo.
My favorite sitcom of all time is 'Cheers.' That's a perfect example of how, like, people made fun of Cliff, but you never got the sense that they didn't like Cliff.
I never forgot being poor, and I never stopped thinking how fortunate I am.
The dominant theory coming out of Hollywood is that peoples' attention spans are getting shorter and shorter and they need more stimulation.
We've made some good beginnings with the New START Treaty, but a lot more can be done.
Everybody has forgotten about showmanship. People don't look like rock stars any more. They just look like regular dudes off the street.
I never made a daring rescue, which is the story people want to hear. I did go to my share of fires.