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The WWE is based on, I think, reaction. You know, if you can't get a reaction, that means you can't put butts in the seats.
I think it's going to take my whole life to sort of get people to know what my perspective is.
I think that people vibe off your energy and I'm a pretty mellow person.
I think that you don't really want to write a book that doesn't really move people and doesn't get them to think.
A film takes a lot of time, and yet not enough to share with the people you're making the movie with, I think.
I think you have an obligation to share what you know as a writer.
I think I'm better than all the people who are trying to reform me.
I think it's fun to play for people who don't know what you do.
I think I'm very curious about other people. I like to sit and eavesdrop, you know.