Die meisten / Most Entscheidungen / Decisions Film Herstellung / Making Hüfte / Hip Ihre / Your Immer / Always Lauf / Run Machen / Make Schießen / Shoot Sie / You Tendenz / Tendency
If you had to say in one sentence what being Jewish means, it is being able to make fun of yourself Jewishly.
You need to make certain decisions to expand your market.
There's moments when you have to make a split-second decision that will form you for the rest of your life.
I always say that when it comes to picking a single, firstly you have to go with what feels right and what your gut tells you.
When you direct your first film, you always start by telling stories that you are familiar with.
You can always tell when a man's well informed. His views are pretty much like your own.
To shoot a conventional film means that you are always covering yourself. You are putting nets and, in a way, letting bad decisions take over.
I like songs and film because you can turn your life into a sort of myth or dream.
There are only three outs an inning, and they should be treasured. Give one away, and you're making everything harder for yourself.