Eingestehen / Admit Erster / First One Jahre / Years Paar / Couple Schwer / Hard Sei der Erste / Be The First Ziemlich / Pretty Zuerst / First
It will be the first time I've played live with a double bass.
Well, first of all I'll say that I come alive best in theater.
The key step for an infielder is the first one... but before the ball is hit.
The best holiday I ever had was the first one I went on without my parents, when I was 17.
The first time I heard The Beatles, I cried. It was 'Let it Be'.
I am proud to be the first British champion, and headlining MSG is a testament to all the hard work.
Fuel conservation is a necessity, and I have to be the first person to set the example.
Building a better you is the first step to building a better America.
For the past couple of years I've been pretty bored with music in general... just bored with it.