Angeles Angezogen / Attracted Kreativ / Creative Kreative Leute / Creative People Leute / People Los Los Angeles Mangel / Shortage Wracks / Wrecks Zug / Train
I just loved being in the theatre with all those crazy, creative people.
I'm thankful for weird people out there 'cause they're some of the most creative people.
I'm very supportive of creative people being paid for the work that they do.
I gotta be involved. I still write ads; I still run around and rally the creative people.
I feel that my job is to create an atmosphere where creative people can do their best work.
The freeways create economic and racial borders in Los Angeles. South of Interstate 10 is one group of people, west of the 10 another, and south of the 405 North yet another.
I'm surrounded by such beautiful, creative people, and I just love sort of sharing their stories and their journeys.
I think that the most well-intentioned, optimistic, creative people often live for the moment, and for 'Portlandia,' our goals were always very sort of short-term and attainable.
My first paying job in Los Angeles was taking tickets at the Bing under Ron Haver.