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Andrew Lincoln has to be the nicest, ego-less lead actor that I've ever met in my life. His energy and temperament just falls over everyone.
We should never forget that Hollywood was built by Europeans, and the old Jewish boys from Eastern Europe.
I've never lived in Eastern Europe, although both my wife and I have ancestors in Poland and Russia - but I can see the scenes I create.
Acting has been my life since I was five, and everything has just fallen into place. I've never had to push and shove.
I had never been near insane persons before in my life, and had not the faintest idea of what their actions were like.
I'm very drawn to Eastern Europe, so I like a Hungarian writer who wrote in French called Emil Cioran; he was always good for giving me such a stir.
As an actor, there are places you can live, and when I graduated from school, it was either New York or L.A., and I liked the East Coast. That's why I ended up in New York.
It's never one solitary event that has changed my life. It's a bunch of little pieces that built and built up to where I am now.
Bakhchisaray was formerly the capital of the Crimean khanate and once an important crossroad of the Silk Road, where traders met from across the Black Sea, the steppes of Central Asia, Russia, and eastern Europe.