Anders / Different Enthalten / Contain Flüsse / Rivers Gerade / Just Namen / Names Religionen / Religions Seen / Lakes Streams Wahrheiten / Truths Wasser / Water
God is God, but he has various names in different languages, and each strand of monotheistic religion has multiple ways of describing the godhead.
My mom just wants to make sure that my heart is always in whatever I do and I'm in things for the right reasons.
I grew up racing off-road trucks. They were on road courses with jumps. I made a name for myself in that style of racing.
I like it when two sounds complement each other but are way different on a record.
Though the names karma yoga and sannyasa are different, the truth at the heart of both is the same.
The greatest religions convert the world through stories.
To restore the trust of the people, we must reform the way the government operates.
I just realized some things make me happier, and the good weather in California makes me happier.
There are certain guys you just take from different teams that you watch.