Abspielen / Play Begeisterung / Enthusiasm Echt / Real Erhalten / Get Etwas / Anything Mir / Me Ob / Whether Sieg / Win Spiel / Game Trainieren / Practice Weg / Way Wettbewerbsfähig / Competitive Wille / Will
What is the use of writing plays, what is the use of writing anything, if there is not a will which finally moulds chaos itself into a race of gods.
I never do anything half-heartedly. I will continue to work hard and play hard and do everything I can to be successful, whatever I do.
Where there is a will there is a way. And this must be the way not of compulsion but of cooperation... No government and no plan can succeed without it.
Australia as a nation, as a set of cities and some regional centres, that project died a death and we didn't get it up, but I still think there's merit in that.
I just want to go out there and do what I can do, contribute in the ways that I can. Whether I get exposure or not, it's about winning.
I don't go cheap on anything, but I'm not a shopper. If I want something, I look at it, decide what it is, but it will usually be the best product. I've got a pair of loafers that I still wear that I got in 1957.
We rely more on enthusiasm than actual skill. Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically and people will like it more.
We will pay any price that we are instructed to. But the money has to come from somewhere.
I would still like to get more athletic and have players that can really cover what's going on in the game.