Bräunen / Tan Irisch / Irish Mir / Me Mutter / Mother Schwarz / Black Vater / Father Vermuten / Guess
My mother is from Compton, California, but my father is from Hayneville, Alabama, and that's less than 20 miles from Selma.
I have my father to thank for my build and height, and my mother to thank for my lips and eyes.
My father and I are friends and my mother and I don't speak. It's a bummer. I miss her.
My mother and my father divorced during the time that my father was getting his Ph.D. at Tulane.
My mother had a marvelous talent for mishandling money - mine.
There are guys out there faster than me.
Then my mother was taken ill and died and my father took me to St. Mary's.
If I do something for my kids, I get a medal, because most fathers don't.
There is a lot more to me than just being a crazy fighter.