Britisch / British Design Herstellung / Manufacturing Ingenieurwesen / Engineering Innovation Klasse / Class Kreativ / Creative Kunst / Arts Welt / World
There has to be a drive to make the U.K. competitive in the motorcar industry or in the engineering industry. To do that, you have to give attention to the manufacturing sector.
Everything we do is designed, whether we're producing a magazine, a website, or a bridge. Design is really the creative invention that designs everything.
In Britain, the big supermarkets dominate our food chain. British supermarkets are some of the best in the world at controlling, manipulating and delivering cheap food.
We must not confuse distortion with innovation; distortion is useless change, art is beneficial change.
Working on being creative in the TV world is endless. It never stops. It's a challenge that never disappears.
We are all vegetarians here, and except for a mountain lion that's been hanging around and killed our dog, we don't have a care in the world.
What I like about non-fiction is that it covers such a huge territory. The best non-fiction is also creative.
The Bible is very clear about one thing: Using politics to create fairness is a sin.
You see, my ambition was not to confound the engineering world but simply to create a beautiful piece of art.