Aussicht / View Erfinden / Invent Existieren / Exist Kommerziell / Commercial Notwendig / Necessary Perspektive / Point Of View Punkt / Point Tat / Did Weihnachten / Christmas Würde / Would
You know, from my point of view, I'm the luckiest cat on the planet.
I'm not the one who was elected. I would never do anything to undermine my husband's point of view.
I would never do anything to undermine my husband's point of view.
Consider your house from an aesthetic point of view.
I didn't want my genome to be sequenced by any of the companies that were out there doing the partial sequences just from the point of view of commercialisation.
I want to make movies about my country from my point of view.
I would make a film with a political point of view if I agreed with it, and even, perhaps, if I didn't.
From my point of view, I always want to fight until the end of my last chance.
Liberals are not always so liberal with people who disapprove - disapprove of their point of view.