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You have to tell a good story first. If it's a good story, people will be interested. It doesn't matter about the content.
I'm most interested in working and learning from different people and telling good stories.
If it's a good story, then everybody is trying to tell it, everybody is better for it, and it's just more fun.
I always look for good stories and good characters, and if they're placed in a whodunit, then I'm interested.
Even when things are at their worst, there's a little voice in your head saying, 'Good story!'
Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
It is my writing dilemma. The world of spying is my genre. My struggle is to demystify, to de-romanticise the spook world, but at the same time harness it as a good story.
I might enjoy writing some ghost stories set in Japan because their whole idea about the spirit world is so interesting.
If anyone comes along, I'm more than happy to welcome them, but I'm not interested in world domination.