Beruhigen / Calm Down Dauerte / Took Erhalten / Get Gebraucht / Used Hilfe / Help Mir / Me Nervös / Nervous Nieder / Down Oben / Up Ruhe / Calm Yoga
The yoga pose helps me to calm down and focus when I need to.
I wouldn't say I'm addicted, but I never, ever skip yoga. I use it to calm down and slow down.
Yoga gave me the ability to calm down.
On game days, I do yoga as just a really short routine. It's more to warm up and to calm down in the morning.
The more you mow us down, the more numerous we grow; the blood of Christians is seed.
You not supposed to feel down over whatever happen to you. I mean, you're supposed to use whatever happen to you as some type of upper, not a downer.
I cannot cook to save my life. I'm really frighteningly useless, when you get down to it.
You could put on monkeys jumping up and down and get bigger numbers than MSNBC.
If I texted somebody that I was having a down day, in seconds I would have somebody either call me or show up at my door.