Zitat des Tages von Paul McCartney:
I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.
I had this song called Helter Skelter, which is just a ridiculous song. So we did it like that, 'cuz I like noise.
I have not practiced how to be a singer without an instrument.
I think people who create and write, it actually does flow-just flows from into their head, into their hand, and they write it down. It's simple.
Where I come from, you don't really talk about how much you're earning. Those things are private. My dad never told my mum how much he was earning. I'm certainly not going to tell the world. I'm doing well.
I feel that if I said anything about John, I would have to sit here for five days and say it all. Or I don't want to say anything.
We were pretty good mates until the Beatles started to split up and Yoko came into it. It was more like old army buddies splitting up on account of wedding bells.
George Martin, he's very good at a very sort of lush, sweet arrangement.
There are only four people who knew what the Beatles were about anyway.
George wrote Taxman, and I played guitar on it. He wrote it in anger at finding out what the taxman did. He had never known before then what could happen to your money.
It was Elvis who really got me hooked on beat music. When I heard 'Heartbreak Hotel' I thought, this is it.
Look, people are allowed their own opinions and they don't always coincide with yours. As an artist you just have to keep plugging on.
In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.
I'm often reading a magazine and hearing about someone's new record, and I think, 'Oh, boy, that's gonna be better than me.' It's a very common thing.
Love is all you need.
Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.' That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now, let's write a swimming pool.'
Think globally, act locally.
I definitely did look up to John. We all looked up to John. He was older and he was very much the leader; he was the quickest wit and the smartest.
None of us wanted to be the bass player. In our minds he was the fat guy who always played at the back.
I think the pop industry is still a young man's game.
I've got to admit it's getting better. It's a little better all the time.
Lyricists play with words.
I never really got on that well with Yoko anyway. Strangely enough, I only started to get to know her after John's death.
When we were starting off as kids, just the idea of maybe going to do this as a living instead of getting what we thought was going to be a boring job, was exciting.
Looking back, I think I was always musical. My dad was very musical, and I think my mom was musical.
We were a savage little lot, Liverpool kids, not pacifist or vegetarian or anything. But I feel I've gone beyond that, and that it was immature to be so prejudiced and believe in all the stereotypes.
I got my first guitar when I was 15, and I just used to fool about with it, more or less, as time went by, though, I got more interested.
I think I always had a musicality, and I think I could tell a good song from a bad song. And I would appreciate hearing something that was new to me.
To keep the record straight, it wasn't always John and Yoko. We've all accused one another of various business things; we tend to be pretty paranoid by now, as you can imagine. There's a lot of money involved.
I can take pot or leave it. I got busted in Japan for it. I was nine days without it and there wasn't a hint of withdrawal, nothing.
Somewhere down the line everyone must pay for their misdeeds.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.
I don't take me seriously. If we get some giggles, I don't mind.
At the end of the Beatles, I really was done in for the first time in my life. Until then, I really was a kind of cocky sod.
Nothing pleases me more than to go into a room and come out with a piece of music.
I used to think that anyone doing anything weird was weird. I suddenly realized that anyone doing anything weird wasn't weird at all and it was the people saying they were weird that were weird.