Beste / Best Immer / Always Nieder / Down Rollschuhe / Skates Schlittschuhläufer / Skater Über / About Wer / Who Wettbewerb / Competition
No matter where we come from or where we're going, we've all got memories to contend with, and it's always best not to do this alone!
I've always had a complex about being taken seriously.
I've always been curious about the other worlds we can shift into in our imaginations.
Out-working your competition is a lot easier to achieve if you're passionate about what you are doing.
It's the sad thing about entertainment, it's not always about who is the best.
You know, I always do my best, no matter the quality of the film.
If you don't have people that the reader cares about and stories that are gripping, you've got nothing.
Composition has almost always been solitary.
In 'Scream 2', they have this discussion about how sequels always suck.