China Die meisten / Most Etwas / Something Großartig / Great Ja wirklich / Really Nach dem / After Recht / Right Schaute / Watched Show Teil / Part Um / Around Verkauft / Sold Verzweifelt / Desperate Welt / World Wurden / Were Zeit / Time
I really want to do something where I can show my physicality - something with a lot of action. Action would be fun. I'd really like to do that.
A lot of times, you watch a trailer for something, and then by the time you get to see the actual movie or show, you realize that the best parts were in the trailer.
I'm able to give a voice to the athletes around the world - use my degree for something other than the power play.
I think I'm in a really nice position, where I'm sure I could do another show if I wanted to do one, but right now the main thing in my mind is writing songs.
Being nervous is not something you should be ashamed of. Nervous means you care, you really want to do well.
That whole concept of 'I want to really go after people' - I don't understand that. Is it a roast, or is it an awards show?
Most of the people who will walk after me will be children, so make the beat keep time with short steps.
Despite whatever commercial kind of success you might have or radio success, I don't want to do something just to get as many people as possible to listen.
I have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that it's not nice to be, and that something's wrong with me because I get angry.