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There are some movies you do for the character; there are some movies you do for the people.
Ultimately, the only people who are in any way edified by hanging with famous people are you at the age of 11 and your mom.
The resistance does not mean that everyone can carry a weapon. The weapon is only for the people of the weapons.
It's a character that I always found really likable. I'm fond of Zorro because he was a popular figure who worked for the people.
The desire definitely comes from within. There are only a few people who make it to this level and those are the ones who have that innate desire.
I work for the public, for the people who are paying to go to the cinema, rather than for the critics.
I just genuinely feel that that's what you do when you're an artist: You stick up for the people around you.
Don't make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.