Gehirn / Brain Gehirnzellen / Brain Cells Mögen / Like Oben / Up Unsinn / Nonsense Wacht auf / Wakes Zellen / Cells
My brain cells are dying in their trillions.
Vain hopes are like certain dreams of those who wake.
We need to drive like hell and get to the hills before the winter sets in.
People like Frank Zappa were amazing for us Brits.
None of my films are 'Pollyanna.' They're not little deers walking around with butterflies and stuff. That's not what I do.
We're not like Alice In Chains where somebody dies and the band breaks up.
Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied.
I like to wear sleeves because they cover up my arms.
One of my friends went on a murder weekend... now he is doing life for it.