Erhalten / Get Finanzen / Finance Großartig / Great Platz / Place Schule / School Student Zäheste / Toughest
I was a great student at a great school, Wharton School of Finance.
I didn't get lessons of any kind I slept through school.
I was a fan of Jon Jones. I thought he was great.
I studied acting in school and then, of course, couldn't get an acting job.
It shouldn't matter what type of school a student attends, so long as the school is the right fit for that student.
It's rare that you get to play a great role that has an arc.
It's fun to come back to the town where I went to school and see all the new Wildcat players.
I was voted valedictorian, and at my school it wasn't based on grades; that was the popular vote.
I found school pretty tough. I got the mickey taken out of me at school.