Die erste Sache / The First Thing Ding / Thing Drew Erste Sache / First Thing Ja wirklich / Really Mann / Husband Mir / Me Paula Politiker / Politician Zuerst / First
But Basquiat is the first thing I've done that I'm really proud of.
The first thing to know about playing baseball in Michigan is, Michigan's really cold.
Peace is the first thing the angels sang.
The first thing that comes out of my mouth is always right.
The first thing to do in life is to do with purpose what one purposes to do.
When a man is asked to make a speech, the first thing he has to decide is what to say.
The first thing I put down on paper is a storyboard, like a film director.
The first thing I learned was the theme from Peter Gunn.
For me, the first thing is to tell a good story.