Alle anderen / Everybody Else Allein / Alone Aus / Out Bedeuten / Mean Bleibe / Stay Gerade / Just Gewesen / Been Haar / Hair Immer / Always Jeder / Everybody Libertarian Sonst / Else Verlassen / Leave Wollen / Want
I'm just like everybody else. I have two arms, two legs and four-thousand hits.
I always thought everybody else was better than me.
I like trendy clothes just like everybody else does.
I'd never just want to do what everybody else did. I'd be contributing to the sameness of everything.
Why can't everybody leave everybody else the hell alone.
We were into Hendrix and Cream, who were like the heaviest bands around at that time. We just wanted to be heavier than everybody else!
I can't always live my life for everybody else.
You can't just take care of everybody else all the time.
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.