Angehoben / Raised Dienen / Serve Familie / Family Glauben / Believe Gott / God Heute / Today Kinder / Children Land / Country Schicksal / Destiny Schulleiter / Principal Sehr / Very Unsere / Our Wenige / Few
We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun- together.
Congress seems to believe that 'Children are our future' is a phrase coined by tobacco advertisers.
Please continue to voice your beliefs, as your participation is the foundation of our country's democracy.
Sweden is a good country to raise a family in because there is an equality there I don't feel in the States.
We fail to see that we can control our destiny; make ourselves do whatever is possible; make ourselves become whatever we long to be.
It is the desire of our hearts, and as we believe God's will under this dispensation, that all the children of God should be gathered together as such, and, consequently, as not of the world.
The idea of being able to serve as an example, based upon how to process, how to think, how to realize our own dreams, we can pass that down to our children.
Christine and I haven't raised our children. A whole community of selfless Christians has contributed to helping them become faithful, competent adults.
In America we believe that every child, no matter where they live, who their family is, or what the color of their skin, is entitled to as good an education as the richest parent in America can give to their children.