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I think fame is hard in any capacity. It's so fleeting; it's not anything that you can really grab.
I think every album you have, especially if it's done well, you feel like you're competing with yourself.
I think once you get it in your head, that you're not going to do anything bigger, you just do things that you enjoy, which has always been my ethos anyway.
I think as any artist you always want to grow; you always want to get better.
I mean, I think we're put here on earth to make your own destiny, to begin with. I don't think there's anything you can do this way or that way to change anything.
The thing about theatre is that when it is actually occurring, when you have the audience on your side, you absolutely think you can will them to do anything. It's exhilarating.
I think you have to feel comfortable with your car. You have to go into turn one, every lap, with confidence. You have to be sure of yourself and your equipment.
The thing with the comics is that you have license to go down every alley your brain can think of.
Some of your teachers are actually closer in age to you than you think.