Bedauert / Regrets Denken / Think Etwas / Some Film / Movie Hätten / Had Könnte sein / Maybe Meiner Ansicht nach / I Think Nur / Only Schneiden / Cutting Schnitt / Cut Szenen / Scenes Werdegang / Career
I think there's something peculiar about me that I haven't died. It doesn't make sense but I refuse to die.
And anyway, it's only movies. to stop me I think they'll ahve to shoot me in the head.
My sense is, I think it's okay for directors to do movies that speak to other work in their career.
I think that what scares me more than getting fat during pregnancy is the responsibility of a child.
I think I want to pursue a movie career and maybe even pursue some theatre.
I think this lack of a center has something to do with the loss of certainties that Christianity had to offer.
I think we have to secure our borders and make sure that people coming in are coming here not to do us harm.
Have I ever made a mistake? I am sure. Do I think I can stand on my record? I do.
I think I've got one more series in me, and I don't care what it is.