Zitat des Tages von Yoko Ono:
Remember, each one of us has the power to change the world. Just start thinking peace, and the message will spread quicker than you think.
I always believed that my work should be unfinished in the sense that I encourage people to add their creativity to it, either conceptually or physically. Back in the 1960s, I was calling for 'Unfinished Music,' number one, and number two, with my artwork - I was taking unfinished work into the gallery. And that's how I was looking at it.
I think there is a big difference between the music business and music. And my relationship is to music, not music business. I think the business will keep changing, but music won't. Music will be there.
Every drop in the ocean counts.
When I'm putting some communication out on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, I think that it's helping me, my brain, you know, because it's always somehow stimulated by people who are sending things to me. And it works both ways. It's great. My brain is very happy about it.
The cynicism that you have is not your real soul.
What the Beatles did was something incredible, it was more than what a band could do. We have to give them respect.
My life was pretty rough.
Art is like breathing for me. If I don't do it, I start to choke.
Chemically speaking or biologically, we research things, but we don't know half of them. We only know our half of it - symbolically - and we don't know ourselves more than half.
When Orientals are attacked, they don't hit back.
I am extremely rebellious. I have this strong, defiant spirit.
At least I had that, one guy understood me.
Marriage is a gamble, let's be honest.
The nice thing about the gallery shows is that without having to pay any money you can just go and see it.
There's a long life ahead of you and it's going to be beautiful, as long as you keep loving and hugging each other.
I must say that I always thought I had a voice, even when I was 4 years old.
I trust myself. You need that to survive.
We are all dreamers creating the next world, the next beautiful world for ourselves and for our children.
When people don't understand my work, I don't feel like explaining.
Women artists are still treated differently from men.
Healing yourself is connected with healing others.
Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you'll start to see a big difference in your life.
Money is not everything. We don't need billions and trillions of dollars.
I just wish that people will be kinder to me when I pass away.
My father was a banker, but he was an independent spirit. He was a very good pianist and very much into music.
Art for me is like breathing.
Please know that being 80 is not a scary thing. When you're 80, your life is much freer.
I just go with the flow, so any style can be in my music - that makes it exciting.
Women have become stronger, and there's a backlash. Men have become terribly possessive. I find it much easier to get on with women.
I'm not going to doubt my life.
Controversy is part of the nature of art and creativity.
You change the world by being yourself.
All my concerts had no sounds in them; they were completely silent. People had to make up their own music in their minds!
When you go to war, both sides lose totally.
The computer is my favourite invention. I feel lucky to be part of the global village. I don't mean to brag, but I'm so fast with technology. People think it all seems too much, but we'll get used to it. I'm sure it all seemed too much when we were learning to walk.