Zitat des Tages von RuPaul:
I loved 'Carol.' I thought it was a beautiful film.
Drag has always been the thing you turn to to remember to not take yourself too seriously.
Never forget that the most political thing you can ever do is follow your heart.
'The Wizard of Oz' is my favourite. It explains what life on this planet is about. Although Dorothy reaches Oz, she finds she had what she needed to go back to Kansas all along, but the Good Witch tells her that she had to learn it for herself. All of the answers to the meaning of life are there.
Once you clear out from your consciousness things that no longer matter, you're able to make room for other things.
It's important to find your tribe.
If you grow up in show business, you look beyond the looking glass. So, all of the surface facades get broken.
I've never personally differentiated a person who dressed up in a three-piece suit and goes to Wall Street from a person who dresses up in a polyester uniform and works at McDonalds. I think it's all drag.
I've still never gotten used to myself in drag.
Drag is involved with changing identities and not taking identities too seriously at all. That's why drag is such a hard sell to a network - or anyone, really - because it's up against the ego.
Wyoming - God bless you in Wyoming - it's very boring, and it's the most isolated place on Earth.
I'm ambitious. I work hard.
Drag is really about reminding people that you are more than you think you are - you are more than what it says on your passport.
Drag breaks the fourth wall, which is why it's never been quite accepted, because nobody wants to be told that they are really a caricature of themself and to not take yourself too seriously.
It's important to remember that you're born naked, and the rest is drag.
I've lived my whole life in the life - I've lived my whole life doing the thing, I've been doing my own thing. And I think my life speaks volumes about what one must do.
Usually, people who don't have a broad perspective see gay people as servants - as people who are there to make them look good.
Life is dangerous. There are no guarantees.
Personally, I experience success when I enjoy what I'm doing. I love the creative process, even if the end result isn't embraced by anyone else.
When I go out, I'm always dressed up. Not in drag but always prepared to be 'on.' Just in case somebody's going to take a picture. Everyone has a Facebook page, so no matter what, I'm prepared to service the public.
I've been on both sides; I've interviewed people, and I do an okay job, I guess. But it's awful. Because you feel like you have to defend your life, which is such an interesting concept. It's not an easy process to sit down and talk about, 'What's your motivation?' Because as I'm answering, I'm working it out for myself at the same time.
The only time you will ever see me in drag is when I am - What? Getting paid. It is my job.
If you're upset by something I said, you have bigger problems than you think.
I had mentors, growing up in gay life - older gay men who told me about our history and the history of art and culture - but somehow, the younger generation missed out on that synergy.
This is an important thing: People who live in the mainstream and the status quo think that everyone else is there to serve them.
Life is not to be taken seriously.
People can identify as however you want to. Right on. Go for it. But my strategy in this bigger game of life is to not identify as anything.
I dance to the beat of a different drummer.
We humans are still a very primitive culture, and it's one of the traps we've fallen into over the course of our lives - to forget our history. That's why George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is so profound. It chronicles our short memory.
Unfortunately, in our culture, one person can write a letter to the network, and they shut something down. It's unfortunate.
I'm not religious, but I do pray. It's 60 seconds of meditation, visualizing myself, looking at myself, and being conscious of my own consciousness. That will align me for the rest of the day.
I have always worked and did my work on the fringe, where I have feel very comfortable.
I think this life is hard without assistance from others.
The secret of success in every field is redefining what success means to you. It can't be your parent's definition, the media's definition, or your neighbor's definition. Otherwise, success will never satisfy you.
Life's journey - it unfolds for you as you are ready for it.
I started out in this business in rock and roll bands and stumbled into drag. Drag just happened to be my vehicle for my creativity. So, you know, it's afforded me the opportunity to create new shows, to make music.