Zitat des Tages von Loretta Lynn:
You can't be halfway in this business. If you don't meet the fans, you lose all you've got.
We still lend our old house out to relatives. They keep a guest book for my fans to sign.
I've been around a long time, and life still has a whole lot of surprises for me.
I was married when I wasn't quite 14 and had four babies by the time I was 18.
When I first came to Nashville, people hardly gave country music any respect. We lived in old cars and dirty hotels, and we ate when we could.
Growing up in eastern Kentucky like I did, I'm used to having a few guns around to protect me.
When I'd tell people I like country music they'd get this look on their faces. People were kind of ashamed of country.
I loved being outside. We'd hold lightning bugs in our fingers and pretend they were diamond rings.
I'm proud of being part Cherokee, and I think it's time all us Indians felt the same way.
My biggest hero, Gregory Peck, was my birthday present on April 14, 1973. I just sat and stared at him.
I refuse to be pushed around anymore.
I've seen every highway in the United States, and they all look alike to me.
I love people and I love to sing, and that's what keeps me going.
Mommy smoked but she didn't want us to. She saw smoke coming out of the barn one time, so we got whipped.
Daddy was real gentle with kids. That's why I expected so much out of marriage, figuring that all men should be steady and pleasant.
Who wants to be married to a grandfather?
I avoid going through places where there's too much poverty.
How do you measure your value?
When something is bothering me, I write a song that tells my feelings.
I've been married to the same man for all this time. The way we fight sometimes, you can tell.
Me and my partner, Conway Twitty, cleaned up at the 1972 Country Music Association Awards.
Because Olivia Newton-John wasn't from Nashville, they didn't like her winning our awards. I've got no complaints.
I didn't know how babies were made until I was pregnant with my fourth child.
I don't like to talk about things where you're going to gt one side or the other unhappy. My music has no politics.
My life has run from misery to happiness.
I believe in horoscopes. I was born under the sign of the Ram, which means I'm headstrong, don't like people telling me what to do.
I'm always making Butcher Holler sound like the most backward part of the United States-and I think maybe it is.
In the long run, you make your own luck - good, bad, or indifferent.
I wouldn't have dared ask God for all that He's given me. I couldn't have done it on my own. I thank God every day for what I have.
I think Charley Pride has been one of the best things to happen to country music, to prove it belongs to everybody.
I don't go to church regular. But I pray for answers to my problems.
When all those city folks try to fix up my talking, all they do is mess me up.
I know there's some kind of history to mountain music-like it came from Ireland or England or Scotland and we kept up the tradition.
The night I announced I was getting married, Daddy paced for hours on the porch.
The country is making a big mistake not teaching kids to cook and raise a garden and build fires.
Once in a while I get inspired and finish my act with the hillbilly hoedown.