Fürsprache / Advocating Gesunder Menschenverstand / Common Sense Großartig / Great Großbritannien / Britain Grossbritannien / Great Britain Januar / January Sinn / Sense Thomas Unabhängigkeit / Independence Verbreitet / Common
My success was not based so much on any great intelligence but on great common sense.
What I cannot stand in the behaviour of the E.U. with regard to Great Britain is blackmail, constant threat.
Friendless. Having no favors to bestow. Destitute of fortune. Addicted to utterance of truth and common sense.
Common sense says that chairs and tables exist independently of whether anyone happens to perceive them or not.
Spaniards have always shown great maturity and great common sense when it comes to voting.
Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense.
I sometimes think God allows Great Britain to be unprincipled for the good of mankind.
Nonsense is so good only because common sense is so limited.
If you have an ounce of common sense and one good friend you don't need an analyst.