Denken / Think Erfolgreich / Successful Etwas / Some Fortsetzen / Continue Grad / Degree Grund / Reason Meiner Ansicht nach / I Think Nur / Only Respektlos / Irreverent Sein / Being
I think it's great to be a part of a franchise that is successful. Any franchise is successful because it's a continuation and people have seen it.
I think if something resonates, even if it's surreal, it's because it is relatable and I think that that's a core issue for me.
I've been a scuba diver since I was 16 and I think that was one of the reasons they chose me.
I'm not ashamed of being successful. You know, they criticized Romney for being ashamed of it. I think we've got to inspire our kids that we shouldn't be ashamed to be successful.
I think there is some overlap in terms of artistic desires and Christian desires.
I really like the look of old '70s and '80s Japanese comics, so I think that style is something I will continue to draw.
I think sometimes people are scared to change. Sometimes people are scared to do something different, especially if they've been successful at something.
The Senate, as opposed to the House, has been less successful in advancing some of the legislation that I think are important to Hoosiers.
I think the athletes respond well to me because I have been successful.