Erscheint / Appears Häufig / Often Neu / New Selten / Seldom WAHR / True Zeitungen / Newspapers
And we also read Newsweek, Time and several newspapers.
Wherever art appears, life disappears.
U.S.A. Today is what happens when the coupon section takes over the newspaper.
Often, entertainment goes deeper, in terms of ideas, than the newspapers.
News, news, news - that is what we want. You cannot beat news in a newspaper.
Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.
I didn't look at any of the newspapers, I look at the pictures sometimes, but apart from that I don't read them.
I just have friends that don't sell their pictures to newspapers.
I don't see how can I offend Mexicans with the truth. It is what Mexicans want to hear.