Deal Eigenschaften / Properties Finden / Find Interessant / Interesting Komplex / Complex Mehr / More Mehr und mehr / More And More Schwerer / Harder Sie / You Systeme / Systems Tief / Deep Wird / Becomes
Over the past decade, prescribing information has grown more and more complex, more and more dense and more difficult to negotiate.
I become more seasoned, it's less interesting to try and compete in the pop market.
Now you're coming back to Earth, and things are getting more and more dynamic.
Everyone in a complex system has a slightly different interpretation. The more interpretations we gather, the easier it becomes to gain a sense of the whole.
It is definitely a challenge to play Nathan, but the more different he is from myself, the more interesting the character becomes for me.
I want to make sure the cooking industry becomes more and more diverse.
The interesting part of the process is developing the character, you know, why did he become that? Why is the guy a murderer, or why is this guy a pervert, or whatever he is. So that's the fun part for me to delve into the abyss.
It is instructive, for instance, to trace the computer industry's decline in vision, idealism, creativity, romance and sheer fun as it becomes more and more important and prosperous.
The universe is fractal. The closer you look at it, the more interesting it becomes.