Ausdrücken / Express Finden / Find Immer / Always Mich selber / Myself Optimistisch / Optimistic Versuchen / Trying Wege / Ways
I express myself better when I'm singing, so I always want to hold on to the music side.
No matter what, I've always been an optimistic person.
I'm not trying to be sexy. It's just my way of expressing myself when I move around.
I will always be open to receive my friends. I will not force myself on them.
I'm trying to be very aware of not repeating myself.
The music I turn out these days is the kind of music I want to hear myself.
I like to express myself through the clothes that I wear.
It's fun to be sarcastic, but now I'm able to express myself in a way that's much more sincere.
We can always find creative ways to do things.